[Alchemy Stars] EX3-1 Evergreen | No 6* Units

Event: An Enigma Sealed in Ice

Mode: Fatal Trek | Jagged Peaks

Stage: EX3-1 | Evergreen Resolve

Boss: Rimebeast

Pasolo’s bleed is useful here for 2 reasons. Bleed bypasses DEF so it’s great to deal with the enemy elite ability that increases DEF at low HP. The fixed damage from bleed also helps synchronize the kills on both enemies to prevent them from triggering their other elite ability, a Deathless-style heal. I’ll probably do another video using 6* units to get a turn 1 kill.

I really don’t like it when they use the Pandora’s Box format for event EX stages. Because they end up making the stages too easy/boring to compensate for needing more units. The trophy conditions are virtually non-existent and there’s a bunch of beneficial stage passives on top of the favorable starting boards.

#alchemystars #白夜極光 #黑匣模式
